Jun 25, 2006

Meeting Date: 
Sunday, June 25, 2006

Notes from Derek: A little behind... unfortunately I missed Alex's class. 


11-12 Alex Motor Controllers

Gary : ex president




1) Don Fears:12:40 (20 min.)

* Concerning Robots for < $100:


CBA Robot Kit $99 includes basic stamp BS2e. have to assemble and solder. 3 test programs. (took Don ~19 hours to complete).










* Also Scribbler by Parallax (assembly but no soldering). $179. -- Adopted CBA as "official" club robot. (www.budgetbot.com








2) Martin (1:01) 10 min.

Basic Atom microcontroller system to desgin a system to tell your heading incorporating GPS and compass. Seeking help with compass serial output which presents angle which must be convert from string float value "12.3" to integer. 


3) Tim Sullivan (1:10) (25min)

* Building robot in living room-displayed a portable robot assembly station (PRAS) that holds all the tools need including pull  out soldering iron station.

* Also demonstrated PetCo series Robot: midsection made from dog carrier etc. with a head that rotates 360 with limit switch--interesing design.



4) Jeff Shirley (1:38) 5 min.

Lego Mindstorm like kit - Spybotics brick.

* Using a Downloaded C like progamming environment where you can have 11 tasks that run in parallel. At $30 apiece, a good buy.







5) Dan & Mathew (1:40) 15 min.

* Radio Shack Vex Kit $150 + extra pieces (1/2 price) make for Good prototyping for hardware.

6)Thomas (1:58) (20 min.)

1. Vex Kit

2. Demonstrated new voices for the Leaf robots instead of Microsoft's defaults. Very smooth voice.

6) Pat Jenkins 2:20 (15 min)

* Presented her Robotic's Class project to design a transforming robot that must travel over two tables with a gap between the tables.

Dateline Video on robotics 2:35 (7 min).

Tim Lewis 2:45 (10 min).

* Demonstrated Cylon head from BattleStar Galactica (demonstrated head and light board that 24 LEDs that flash back and forth. Not yet integrated and will be adding sound boards.

* Demonstrated 3 skulls that can lip sync to music!